Thank you for donating and for supporting
my 100 000 km walk for mental health!
Hi, I’m Mark and I’ve come up with something unique so that you can help me during my hike:
Donate a medicine
You can symbolically choose the medicine that you want to donate
to me because besides the fact that walking is the best medicine,
it also helps me a lot when I have to buy food or supplies!
And I would like to thank you in advance for that!
You can choose from the following options:
Band Aid
What is it worth? two cups of tea
What is it worth? three cups of tea
What is it worth? a breakfast
A connection with the heart
What is it worth? a full bag of groceries
What is it worth? a few days of care with food and supplies
Healthy lifestyle
What is it worth? a whole week of care with food and supplies
Of course, any other donation is more than welcome!
For all donations, I want to thank you from my heart!
I will continue to walk and I will continue to raise awareness for mental health.
And of course you can always reach me for a good conversation and you can walk with me!
I will also continue to give you online content during my 100,000 km walk and I regularly offer free online webinars.
Thank you very much from my heart!